If you see streaks, veils or shadows: you could possibly suffer from vitreous opacity or even a retinal detachment.

Read more about: vitreous and retinal diseases.Visit for more information.Christiane Falkner-Radler, M.D.Associate Professor of OphthalmologySpecialist in Ophthalmology and Optometry, Eye SurgeonSenior physician at the Rudolf Foundation HospitalPossible vitreous opacity or retinal detachmentYou may have a vitreous or retinal disease. Learn about your eyes, possible diseases and therapies at: Possible vitreous and/or retinal diseaseYou may have a vitreous or retinal disease.If you see flashes of light, dots, black rain or floaters: you may suffer from an acute posterior vitreous detachment (with or without retinal damage).If this has occurred suddenly, you should see an eye doctor as quickly as possible (within 1 day!). Test your eyes!This eye test can be easily done and can indicate possible vision problems.